Thursday, October 8, 2009

Getting ready for DISNEY: Planning....

Okay... so what am I planning??? For anyone out there who is just now starting to read my blog, I'll give you an update.
I'm goin' to Disney World!!!!!!! Yeah, now you're caught up right? lol, just kidding.
But I really am going to Disney world, what I've been doing this past week is just telling my readers all about what I'm doing in this last short week before I get on that plane and head out!
NOW you're caught up.

Planning, right okay. Well, what exactly am I planning? Not much, my grandma and mom are planning most of this. But what I am planning, is having a great time! And, what rides I'm going on, who's autographs I MUST get, the simple stuff... the only stuff they let a teenage girl decide. (I would plan the entire trip, but no...) So, here is kinda what those lists look like

Have great time!
Get a tan!
See friends from when dad was in the navy
Give Mickey mouse a big hug!
Get some vids of cousins and uncles on rides
remember to not be stressed!!!!!!!

List #2:RIDES
Splash Mountain(I'm gonna be daring this year readers...)
Made tea party
People mover

that's it so far, I really can't think of too many rides I'm gonna acctually go on...

Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Donald Duck
Jazmine (I know, princess freak over here... don't judge! lol)
Daisy Duck

Those are the main ones, also here are some of the things that my mom told me that we're going to be doing...

List #4:HMMMMMMMM..........
Hoop-De-Doo Musical Revue
hitting all four parks
loads of pictures
get along(My sibs and I)
fancy dinner(This I can't wait for! I've got the cutest skirt ever for it!! EEEE!)
move hotels(3 TIMES!)
NOT, NOT loose little kids
(This isn't for sure) Go to the country bear show

and more, but I'll save you the rambling list. So yeah, that's pretty much the planning segment... Today marks FOUR days until DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!

come and visit me tomorrow and read,
Getting ready for DISNEY:More packing....

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