Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting ready for DISNEY:We leave TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what followers??? We leave TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, we leave for the wonderful land of magic and vacation tomorrow! I cannot wait! I'm not really sure when our flight is, but I do know that my brothers are most likely going to school for half the day. IDKR...
I don't know why this makes me even more excited, but I thought this was pretty kewl.
As you saw before, my suit case is hot pink, well guess what? My carry-on is too! I just got a new carry-on because I needed a bigger bag that could hold one outfit, a set of P.J's and a swim suit. You see, tomorrow when we arrive in Florida, we are staying off property for one night. My mom wanted us all to pack the stuff we'd need for Tuesday in our carry-on's so that we didn't have to dig into our suit cases.
Now I'll definatly know what is mine, and what is the rest of my families! LOL...

Well, I hope all of my readers have a great rest of your day! We're busy over here, last minue packing, cleaning up the house, figuring out all the details one more time, and charging up the cameras! Tomorrow definatly plans to be an exciting day!

Hopefully when we get checked in tomorrow, I'll get to a computer and tell you all about how the plane ride went, but if not... plan on hearing from me Tuesday. :D :D

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